

违景先容 Background Introduction


With the advancement of social economy, the technology of in vitro fertilization has gradually matured in Chongqing region and has been favored by more and more families. However, the high cost has deterred many couples who aspire to start a family. How to enable more needy families to benefit from this technology has become a pressing issue that needs to be addressed.

私仄调配 Fair Distribution


Including in vitro fertilization in medical insurance will effectively solve the urgent needs of economically disadvantaged families. Couples from different economic backgrounds will be able to enjoy their reproductive rights equally, which is a reflection of social progress. In vitro fertilization technology should not be exclusive to the wealthy but should be a beacon of hope for every family in need.

医疗仄等 Medical Equality


Including in vitro fertilization in medical insurance is an important step towards achieving medical equality. Every family should have the right to reproduction, regardless of their economic strength. Only through the coverage of medical insurance can the social fairness and inclusiveness of in vitro fertilization technology be truly realized.

经济包袱 Economic Burden


The high cost of in vitro fertilization is an unbearable burden for most families. If this cost can be covered by medical insurance, it will greatly reduce the economic burden on families and provide more opportunities for them to enjoy the joy of reproduction.

社会义务 Social Responsibility


As a developed society, we have a responsibility to ensure that every family has access to basic reproductive rights. Including in vitro fertilization in medical insurance is a manifestation of social responsibility and a respect for human dignity.

野庭幸运 Family Happiness


The birth of in vitro fertilization will bring i妹妹ense happiness to couples who cannot conceive naturally. With the support of medical insurance, more families will have the opportunity to realize



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